Human Space Architecture
Marta Anna Zaremba PORTFOLIO
"Witapark"- Master thesis
The parcel remains mostly unbuilt, it is planned to equip the park with instruments for active recreation, sports field and playground. Furthermore, there has been also designed an exhibition- information space serving as education and entertainment. Besides, in this design there has been particularly taken into consideration the issue of human space perception. The “labyrinth” formed from bushes creates an illusion of distant and closer objects, it has a task to surprise and incline to think about space distances.
The form with dynamic bevels has a task to stimulate to activity, simultaneously owing to green roofs, it performs as a continuation of lawn and rest place.
Guided by Dr inż. arch. Andrzej Konieczny

Smoking place
Project of the outside pavilion for smokers. The form was inspired by the smoke cloud and the main purpose was to design an optimized construction, that also allows good functional spaces. The form is based on polynomials combined with splines. The structure is divided into a triangles and it builds a very stable and light construction.
Teamwork with Alexander LangGuided by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Schwalbenhofer

"Sportpark Hippodrome"
The building is situated by the Düsseldorf railway station. The functional parts of the "sportpark" are connected with a inner spiral ramp, that creates a huge meeting space in the heart of the building. Quasi elliptical shape of the park is a result of urban analysis and is associated with ancient Hippodrome. It reflects the dynamic of sport. Besides the location by the railway is also related to a fast movement.
Guided by Prof.-Vertr. Dr. Annette Paul

Student hostel
The most important conditioning was the location of parcel by the Odra river that creates the most important panoramas in the city centre. The irregular shape of the hostel is inspired by riverside line.
The "slices" of the building are combined with vertical cores- like a waterplants. Pile construction enabled to locate the building on flood endangered area and additionally left the major part of the parcel unbuilt.
There is planned to build a footbrigde that would connect the parcel with a main student capmus.
Apart from the student hostel there has been also planned additional functions such as conference centre, shops, spa centre, hotel and multifunctional rooms. Thanks to this combination the building will be fully exploited for the whole year and demand of Wrocław University of Technologies for conference centres will be fulfilled.
Guided by Dr inż. arch. Joanna Jabłońska

Housing estate in Haan
A conceptual projects of a housing estate, that enables good contact with nature and healthy, good relations in the community. The most important was the proportion between private, half- private and social space. Designed elements enable identification with the surroundings and safety feeling.
Temwork with Alicja Puzio and Ewgeni Schulz
Guided by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Siems and Dipl.-Ing. Georg Taxhet

Cemetery chapel with crematorium in Koszalin
The project was also an engineering thesis. It contains the conception of a cemetery chapel expansion. A new form respects a historical building and its surrounding. Designed functions enable a dignified farewell in various religious rites.
Guided by Dr inż. arch. Stanisław Lose

Concert hall "Taktonika"
A small parcel in city centre for such a building was the most challenging part of the project. Concert hall has a very simple, modest functional scheme, however, at the same time it must offer attractive meeting areas, foyers. The elevation is inspired by the works of Iannis Xenakis, who was searching for a translation of music into architecture. The facade elements have their individual music rythm.
Guided by Dr inż. arch. Paweł Kirschke